Graduate & Undergraduate Research in Physics
Research performed over the course of undergraduate and graduate study at UC Santa Cruz, Dark Matter Search & the ThreeML Group at Stanford University.
Research Assistant at Stanford, ThreeML, Prof. Nicola Omodei Python Machine Learning Software Engineering
ThreeML (& Astromodels)
Contributions to the ThreeML software package, a data analysis/machine learning python package which combines the data from multiple telescopes across diffent energy bands to fit astronomical models. Previously: implementing parameter-linking as a method to fit multiple spectra with a single function (& various bugfixes over time). Currently: developing support for the recently-launched Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) in ThreeML. -
GRBs & high-energy attenuation by Extragalactic Background Light
The product of my summer KIPAC program: Group fitted analysis of GRB events in the Fermi-LAT to review model accuracy on the high-GeV, TeV attenuation of GRBs by Extragalactic Background Light. Code developed in the course of this research has been incorporated in threeML.
Student Researcher at UC Santa Cruz, Dark Matter Search, Prof. Stefano Profumo Python Mentorship
Black Hole Evaporation and Spectroscopy Database Machine Learning
Modeled the power spectrum of evaporating black holes and their likelihood to be observed by Earth telescopes (see: HAWC, Fermi-LAT, Chandra, IXPE) by use of software which simulated black hole death (Blackhawk). Quickly developed into a search for EBH objects using an optimized approximation of the model, large-scale querying of the HEASARC database and at-scale Bayesian regression on interesting sources.
Detection Methods for Discovering Evaporating Primordial Black Holes in Modern Gamma-Ray Telescopes M.S. Thesis
- Multicomponent Dark Matter
Exploratoration of the Tremainne-Gunn limit applied to dark-matter (DM) subhalo galaxies, focusing on a composite model of LambdaCDM, ultracold fermionic DM, Warm and Fuzzy (axionic) DM and their potential roles in large-scale galactic structures. Involves modifications to the Press-Schecter Transfer Functions which extrapolate galactic evolution from early-universe perturbations.
Quick-reference Notes
Not really a good learning resources, just for quickly refreshers/references. Images/code are not guaranteed to be mine -- do not misattribute.
Languages/APIs: Python,
SQL and
DataFrames (Pandas, Polars & PySpark).
Machine Learning: Distributions and probability,
Bias-Variance & Encoding,
Time Series/Forecasting
K-Fold & Regularization,
SVD, PCA, KMeans,
Logistic Regression,
Decision Trees,
(Stochastic) Gradient Descent,
Natural Language Processing.
Coursework, UC Santa Cruz
Coursework shown below is often excerpted from homework assignments and projects
Machine Learning (CSE 242, Prof. Yang Liu) Python Sci-kit Learn PyTorch
A brief writeup of some key points from the course.
Computational Physics (PHYS 242, Prof. Steve Ritz) Python Linear Algebra
Using ODE methods to solve evolve colliding N-Body problems.
Graduate-level Linear Algebra Tensors LaTeX Quantum Mechanics
Statistical Mechanics, Electromagnetism & Relativity, Classical Mechanics
Graduate application materials Personal History Statement and
Statement of Purpose
Undergraduate-level Data Structures C language Object-Oriented Programming Linear Algebra, Multivariable & Differential Calculus, Discrete Math, Data
Structures & Algorithms, Thermodynamics, Electrical Circuit Design Engineering, Computer Systems and Assembly Language
Advanced Physics Lab Papers
The Zeeman Effect: Splitting emission spectra with an electromagnet to find the magnetic moment of the electron. (A quantum understanding of atomic energy transitions)
The Cavendish Experiment: A reproduction of the experiment to derive a universal constant of gravitation. (Calculate Earth's density using two lead balls)
Calculating the refractive index of air and the spacing between Sodium-D emission lines. (A comprehensive overview of interferometers)
Electrical Circuit Design Lab Papers
First-order filters for analog signals. (Bode & phase for first-order filters)
Qualities of damped responses in RLC circuits.
Behaviors of RC first-order time-constant circuits. (Low- and high-pass filters)
Behaviors of fundamental equivalent circuits. (T-networks)
Verification of basic laws in electronic circuits. (Wheatstone bridge)
Intermediate Physics Lab Papers
Analysis of the Atomic Spectra of Hydrogen, Helium and Neon. (Emission Spectroscopy)
Quantifying the Penetration Rate of 662keV Gamma Rays through Lead. (Radiation & Poisson Distributions)
Exploring Complex Impedance. (Circuit Elements & Network Analysis)